16 September, 2012

SOmething going out

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim .Sollu Alan Nabiy .

Assalamualaikum wrbth.

i Feel  , there're something special for me . After i do what the silly matter , the something will be gone . But , i put it in my soul , never let it go . I do know how to say , but i'm around the exam . PMR . Not to long . It's my PMR tables .

Kepada candidates of PMR necessarily , do the  best in PMR . I won't the regret , but i want the success .. what i pray before and after . OKey ...

My soul , please be honestly to Allah . Don't do the bad matter again . Allah saw you , because HE loves you . It's most than enough , right ? :)

29 Syawal 1433 
(End Syawal , huhu)

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